About the Project

The anchor is an iconic symbol of our maritime past. For over 4,000 years the anchor has been every mariner’s vital item of safety equipment.

Sometimes the anchor is the last remaining visible symbol of an incident at sea – whether cut loose in an emergency or marking the last resting place of a shipwreck.


Get Involved

Today the image of the anchor is everywhere - as brand names and company logos acting as a symbol of strength and safety. Anchors themselves are everywhere also - in public parks and gardens, on roundabouts, beach promenades, under the sea, hanging on pub walls and even as ornaments in private houses and gardens. In fact it is difficult to go a week without seeing an anchor. Help us record them.

The Big Anchor Project is a fun heritage recording initiative which aims to empower public volunteers in the recording of physical anchors around the world. You can download recording forms and the accompanying guidance notes, to record the heritage within your community.

You can also follow the project on Facebook


What data is collected?

Our recording system allows you to record as little or as much as you like. Just add a photograph and a location to achieve a Bronze record, identify features on your anchor for a Silver record or measure your anchors dimensions to obtain a Gold anchor record. Our world map of anchors allows you to see where anchors are and how much information about each one has been documented.

Big Anchor Project database aims to be the world’s only comprehensive research tool for maritime historians and archaeologists that will aid in anchor identification, type, provenance and period. This is a global research tool generated by the global public.


Supporting Organisations

© Big Anchor Project 2018

Website and App by 3deep Media